Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Start the integration work

I start to work on the integration of the two application today. And I found that working with css is rather annoying, a silly mistake can take hours to fix. I need to spend some time on learning css.

I am struggling with the layout of the word clouds and the timeline as well. Normally, people have either of them, instead of both. And I am thinking of setting the page as big as a computer screen, which makes the page compact when fit both the clouds and the timeline together.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012


Yesterday I finished review and submitted the Human Ethic Application Form. It turned out that the Human Ethic Office wasn't that easy to find. Luckily, someone gave me some help.

Now I can concentrate on the integration implementation of the Chrome extension, and hopefully, I can finish it in 4 weeks.(The finals are coming and I still have two assignments to do...)

Monday, 4 June 2012

Finished all the application forms and documents needed to be attached to it.

Printed and signed.

I will send the application tomorrow.